Shengdian Wang

MD, Ph.D,Founder, Chairman

• Chinese Academy of Science ”Talents Program”, Group Leader in Institute of Biophysics
• Mayo Clinic and Hopkins University, postdoc with Lieping Chen
• Chief Scientist in Major Research Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology
• Vice Chairman of the Synthetic biomedicine Committee of the Chinese Anti-Cancer Association
• CDE- Expert Member of the Review Advisory Committee
• China patent examination technical expert, State Intellectual Property Office
Alan Xu


• Ph.D. in Pharmaceutics, University of Florida, USA
• Previously SVP, MediLink (Suzhou) & CEO, MediLink USA
• Various roles in MNCs, including Pfizer, Genentech, Novartis etc.
• Over fifteen years’ experience in biopharmaceutical research and development: from candidate selection, IND to clinical development
• Expertise in clinical development and translational medicine, including clinical research, clinical operation, and clinical pharmacology in oncology, immunology, and inflammation with both small molecules and biologics
Ying Li


• Ph.D. in Cell Biology, Wuhan University
• Excellence Award of doctoral dissertation
• Second prize of National Natural Science Prize
• Postdoc, associate researcher in Institute of Biophysics
• Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences Youth Innovation Promotion Association
• One of the Inventors of PD-1 Ab/IL-X fusion protein
• Main inventor of enhanced CAR-T (BCMA CAR-T secreting PD-1Ab/IL-21 fusion protein)
• Main inventor of “Amplification of anti-tumor CD8+ T cells with PBMCs”
Naibo Yang

Ph.D President, R&D

• Ph.D. in Physiology, Thomas Jefferson University, USA
• Postdoc, Stanford University, USA
• Exelixis , Affymax , San Francisco Bay Area
• VP of BIOTECH PHARMA, the first EGFR antibody (Nimotuzumab) discovery and NDA
• COO of THERAPEUTICS, the first tumor neoantigen therapy in China (Neo-T) IND and phase I
• BGI-Research (U.S): Leading the development of antibody platform
• More than 20 years of experience in the development, application and management of small molecule, antibody and CGT